Many times people keep wanting
Things simply seduce their thoughts
Of the good and beautiful objectifications
Of their fantasy and unfulfilled reality
First thing is to keep watch on them,
Not to slaughter 'em at once:
Rather to sort it out
-- Just like flight passangers
to their correct/rightful destinations
Funny to observe
Silly to realize
That people tend to do the exact opposite
of what they expect
Try not to be odd,
then you'll never exposed to the fun of life.
Try not to be a little bit crazy,
Then your life will bore you out.
Try to avoid rejection,
soon you'll crave for acceptance.
Try to avoid mockings,
Then you'll never know the very best part of you.
Try not to open yourself up,
Then you'll find yourself in lonely life.
You'll never get what you want in life
unless you ask and go for it
Be silly.
Be odd and awkward.
Look stupid.
Grow a little bit crazy.
Let your soul free and open to the sun.
Then it'll pay off;
Caress and seduce risk:
And feel the juice pouring out
from its core
And that juice is what we call...
love and success
Written after cool interactions
with Adam, Nick
and Aitor, Cool bros.