Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A plant

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful, little plant, growing all alone and isolated, not in its native soil, but in an artificial location, in a pot, with no others nearby. Yet it lives happily, hoping that someone will water it and appreciate it. Even though it can't go anywhere on its own, or even look for another place to live and grow, it is still happy to be alive. The one who planted it where it is did so for a reason.

    In the same way, our heavenly Father has planted us, but He will transplant us to the best garden and for ever. Meanwhile, let's try to be happy like this little plant. We will flower and bear fruit at the right time. We can't make ourselves grow; that is God's job. All that we are required to do is to wait and watch, and be happy that He has created us for His own kind purposes, which He will reveal to us at the right time.

    Word verification: fabled
